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How to Use the YLF Materials

card-left.png YLF is a Biblical and seamless approach to use for spiritual life in discipleship and evangelism. It is a multifaceted system for the Gospel to instruct and empower Christians in their Faith. YLF uses low tech and high tech; visual, auditory, and kinetic learning styles; printed and online materials. YLF is a mind, eye and heart opener to bring people into the presence of God in this life and leave them there. YLF teaches a lot of Bible without requiring that the hearer know much of the Bible, i.e. just have a willingness to listen. You do not have to know ahead of time whether the person is a Christian or not before you talk to them. Talk to everyone! Listen to your hearer’s responses and adjust your presentation accordingly for the believer or unbeliever. YLF accommodates a flexible presentation in the time and circumstances allowed. Recommend www.youlastforever.com to your hearers for a longer lasting effect.

I have done due diligence to make YLF evangelical, biblical, and useful for all Christians. Many have seen and like it: Seminary professors, pastors, lay leaders and laity alike. YLF appeals to all ages, races, and is nondenominational. It is a fluid (mobile and flexible) vs. static (stationary and rigid) model to reach the world. YLF helps people to see who they are as the image of God and then as repentant sinners live their Christian lives accordingly.

Supporting materials – www.youlastforever.com with free downloads. YLF resources include a Body and Spirit Outline, web video, postcards, booklets, small cards, YLF banners, and magazine articles about YLF. Some of the materials may be personalized for distribution.

Teach YLF to large or small groups. Who knows what person, ministry, activity or age group will best use YLF? Introduce YLF to the whole congregation! Use of YLF may ebb and flow as with any ministry, but it is designed for long-term effect. Just keep the YLF materials, teaching, and coaches available to interact with interested people as opportunities arise.

How to Use You Last Forever for Evangelism and Discipleship
by Pastor Dick Fisher

  1. Read and reread the YLF materials and review www.youlastforever.com. Watch the web video several times. You do not need to memorize the YLF presentation. Learn key points on how YLF teaches salvation from sin and death through Jesus Christ alone. Review the YLF material periodically to refresh your understanding. You can learn YLF by self-study and using it.
  2. Carry YLF cards with you all the time and give them to people in your daily life. Matthew 28:19 teaches, in your going make disciples. You are doing the recipients a favor by giving them a summary of biblical anthropology for the Christian and non-Christian. Pray for God’s blessing on your efforts.  As you use the cards, you will have increasing freedom as I have found to offer it in many different ways and circumstances. When I was hiking, I offered the YLF card as a trail map for life to other hikers. They all accepted it and thanked me.
  3. When you give the cards to people, ask, “Have you ever seen a card like this?” This appeals to their curiosity. Be quiet while the recipient(s) looks at the card and turns it over trying to figure it out. Do not talk until they look up from the card. If you can, give the cards to several people who are together. When a person first looks at the YLF card, they try to figure it out, so innate curiosity is at work. Also, when we look at a map, we try to figure out where we are. The card prompts self-reflection; we all are figuratively on the purple circle anticipating eternity. The card appeals to the visual learner and is about the same size as a cell phone that people give habitual attention to.
  4. When the person looks up from the card, ask, “What do you think it means, or what do you see?” By their answer, you will get some idea of their understanding of Jesus, salvation, discipleship, and eternal life.
  5. Ask for their permission for you to quickly explain the card to them. With the card you can explain a lot of Bible without requiring that your hearer knows the Bible. Ask checking questions such as, “Does this sound familiar or make sense to you?” Apply the YLF card to their situation. If you or they do not have time to discuss the card, refer them to www.youlastforever.com and encourage them to watch the video. If you also have the YLF booklet with you, give that to them to read and study on their own. The booklet explains the card. If you see them again, ask if they read the booklet or reviewed the website.

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